Thursday, 26th September 2019.
On the occasion of Dashain festival, Department of Social Work, Tribhuvan University organized a talk program on “Dashain and Social Work in the context of Nepal” among the faculty and students of Department of Social Work at TU. The talk was focused on the linkage between Dashain and Social Work in Nepal. The department honored
Nepal’s culture expert centenarian Satya Mohan Joshi who inaugurated the seminar.

Social work being an interdisciplinary subject covering wider social science knowledge, recognized the importance of Dashain and its preservation in terms of rituals, traditions and culture in the present day Nepal and world context. The talk from centenarian Joshi recounting his sweet life experiences and his knowledge widely covered the history of Dashain and the changing aspects of the celebration across different clans in rich Nepali culture and society. Joshi, highlighted on the importance of Dashain which brings solidary among Nepalese celebrating it as national festival. He further added the importance of how world is being run by
Shakti and the cosmos energy has been well respected and worshipped in various religions in different forms. Moreover, the talk also included an insightful thoughts about dashain from the academic perspective by Associate Prof. Dr.Tika ram Gautam, head of Central Department of Sociology of Tribhuvan University. Associate Prof. Dr. Shukra Raj Adhikari, Coordinator of Department of Social Work, highlighted on Vedic science and why/how the students of social work have to orient themselves towards culturally rich meaningful practices such as in Dashain.

Finally, the department also expressed gratitude to immediate past-coordinator Dr. Gautam for his significant contribution to the development of social work discipline as well as department. DoSW also thanked for his commitment for the continuous support in the days to come as well. After the formal close of the program there was the exchange of Dashain wishes among the professors, guests, teachers, and students offering
tika and
jamara from the chief guest Satya Mohan Joshi and the coordinator Dr.Adhikari.